Animal Success Stories
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Hi Anne, I thought that I would send you a little update on our sweet Spencer. Life with Spencer has been full of laughs, lots of doggie cuddles, and time spent playing with our new family member in the backyard. Not only have we gained a new family member, but my kiddos have also gained a new best friend. Spencer is the last one they want to see before going to bed, and the first one they want to love on in the morning. The kids have taught Spencer how to play fetch and they are now working on teaching him how to play soccer…I guess anything is possible. Their favorite thing to do with Spencer though is to give him belly rubs. I think it might be one of Spencer’s favorite things too. If Spencer isn’t inside taking a nap you can find him out in our backyard, nose to the ground, searching for a new critter. In the three short months he has been here, Spencer has learned about cats, squirrels, moles, and baby skunks (luckily for us the skunk was too young to spray). He really gets to put his Hound skills to the test around here. We truly love Spencer, and I want to thank you for allowing him to become a part of our family. Spencer has brought so much joy and happiness to us all. All My Best, Karen Hull