Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

Hi - Hope you are doing well. Brittany is such a sweet heart and doing great. She sleeps on her doggie bed beside my bed. Evan comes along & covers her up during the night. She's eating well & weighed in at our Petsmart Banfield at 31.5 lbs. Our back yard is becoming a favorite - in the mornings she's out there with Evan during his devotional/bible reading time & she loves to sunbathe. Today he took her to our church - a rather large Baptist church. I had bought her a doggie patriotic colored "shell" and she looks adorable in it. She met the receptionist and then went to the daycare (several different rooms for each age group) & the children loved her & she them. She's got a new career as a service dog!! In the retirement community where I work our residents are active-retired and we have had service dogs in before so I got the idea from that. Just wanted you to know how she is & how very much we love her. She is just who we needed & very affectionate. Her play times are happy & she runs for a moment & flips her toys in the air & then I squeek them & throw them for her to retrieve. These are her toys which Tim sent along. Nancy